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MotoGP, Martin: "The World Championship? Pecco is fast, but fighting with Marquez is more difficult."

"Marc is an eight-time world champion and Pecco is a great champion. I want to beat both of them, but I have to figure out why I struggle so much behind the other riders."

MotoGP: Martin:

Jorge Martin didn't have many torpedoes to fire in the Barcelona Sprint, so he had to settle for a 4th place after he started Qualifications in 7th. The Spanish rider then tried to lessen the blow, losing just a few points on Marquez and gaining them on others like Bagnaia, who then fell.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get off to a good start," he began. "I almost touched Rins. In fact, I ended up tenth at turn one. I lacked grip. I had to push a lot on the front, immediately reaching the limit. We have to figure out why I'm struggling so much behind the other riders, even though I had my pace. All in all, I finished fourth and would like to do better on Sunday."

The world leader sees the glass half full.
"Today we had a lot of surprises, so I preferred to finish fourth and suffer rather than push and fall. I think I'll have more margin tomorrow with the medium tire, hoping the race will be slower."

He then spoke about Bagnaia.
"Pecco's fall was very similar to mine in Jerez. In the end, everyone wants to win. I think the top six today have all the cards to win tomorrow."

Speaking of falls, Jorge also went down in qualifying.
"The fall in the Q2 didn' taffect my race too much, even if starting seventh isn't easy. Unfortunately, I closed the corner too much and went flying. Bravo to Aleix for winning. I'm going to ask him for a couple of tips later for Sunday's race," he said jokingly. "My pace puts me among the fastest, so no excuses. To give an example, at one point in the sprint race, I was ahead of Aleix, who then won."

Finally, he talked about the world championship challenge with Bagnaia and Marquez.
"There are many races, and both are very fast. There are also variants like Acosta, Binder, and Espargarò who won today. Who do I fear most? Marquez is an eight-time world champion, and it's more difficult to battle with him. It's complicated even with Pecco, because he's fast and a great champion. I obviously want to beat both of them."


Translated by Leila Myftija

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