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MotoGP, Rivola: “We exaggerated with the wings, we have to lower performance”

“I like the wings, but we can’t wait until 2027 to change the rules. There are too many riders who undergo surgery, that’s because the bikes go too fast, accelerate to fast, and break too hard. We need a stop to this.”

MotoGP, Rivola: “We exaggerated with the wings, we have to lower performance”
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It’s party time in Misano for the Aprilia All Stars. The Noale constructor is in the Italian Riviera, along with many fans, bringing bikes to the track that have made the history of the Venetian company. Obviously, Massimo Rivola couldn’t miss the event.

The CEO took stock of the situation by charting a path towards the future, where he sends a very clear message from a regulatory aspect.

I think this event is really special this year,” Rivola began.Our hope is that there will be many people present here in Misano to help the population of Romagna. I’m from Faenza, and I understand how all my countrymen are feeling right now. I know, however, that Romagna doesn’t give up, and we’re all working together in the face of this tragedy.

What do you think about the transition from two-stroke to four-stroke?
Obviously, the technology is moving forward, and you have to be ready to react. I like these MotoGPs. In fact, I consider myself a fan of wings and fins, although I know that we exaggerated. But we need a regulation that puts a stop to this, and we can’t wait for 2027.

What should be done?
We’ll have to act immediately to lower performance. The number of riders who need surgery on their right arm is constantly increasing, and this means that there’s something wrong. What? Simple. These bikes go too fast, accelerate too  fast, and brake too hard. Today, if you’re not a super athlete, you can’t ride these bikes.”

How much has the company changed since 2019?
Apilia has changed a lot. It has grown a lot, but I’m not yet where I’d like to be, since my goal is to win. In the end, racing is a bottomless pit, and there are a lot of things I’d like to do. But we’re building on the right foundation.


Translated by Leila Myftija

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