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MotoGP, Poggiali: "Bagnaia? A champion, but he's too critical of himself."

"Being on point is always good, but he should be more aware what he's worth. Marquez? A demanding rider. His gambling of the soft rear tire at Montmeló was interesting. Bastianini's penalty? Unfair. Rrules taken too literally."

MotoGP: Poggiali:

Called to also fill the role as coach for Ducati's factory MotoGP riders starting this season, Manuel Poggiali is enjoying the moment. After all, compared to what's happening for other constructors (forced to hobble at the back of the pack), almost every weekend is a party for the Borgo Panigale constructor. Consider that, among the factory team, Pramac, and Gresini, the podium is always within reach, while the constructors rankings mark 204 points against the 125 of the first pursuer, Aprilia, with Jorge Martin standing out in the riders rankings, followed by the reigning world champion Bagnaia and also Marquez.

"It's great to be part of a fantastic group and to be surrounded by incredible guys," the former rider told GPOne. "As an official team, we can also count on two very strong riders, so we have to be happy and proud of everything and I, personally, to be part of this adventure."

Commenting on the Montmeló GP that, needless to say, smiled upon the Rossa on two wheels, the San Marino native said, "Pecco did a race like the champion he is. He went ahead of his pace, and this allowed him to reach his max. Moreover, he was good at reading the race and understanding the pace to keep, and maintaining it, except for the moment when the tire wear made itself felt. Given his qualities, I think he can have the same performance in the sprint. In the end, he even fell on Saturday while in the lead. I'm convinced that he'll be competitive again at that juncture, like as he has been in the past. It'll be important to stay focused and calm. After that, speed is ninety percent of the result."

Marc, instead, deserves a separate mention. Struggling with a start from 14th on the grid, and risking with the soft tire on the rear, he managed to make his way back up and take a new podium. "It was a risky choice, but evidently, along with his team, he thought it would be fruitful. On paper, the advantage should've been there in the early laps, and on the left side but, instead, it actually came out in the long run, thanks to great management," he stated.

The real misfortune was Bastianini's. He repeatedly ended up in the crosshairs of the marshals. "Okay for regulations, but maybe they're taken too literally, and they're not adapted to reality. Instead of falling, Enea went straight without gaining anything. He doesn't understand why he received the penalty. It wasn't necessasry. But, if it had been brake failure, should he have also been punished? he asked a rhetorical question. "In my opinion, when there's no real advantage, inflicting a penalty is always questionable."

Finally, when asked what it's like to work with top riders of the caliber of Bagnaia and Marquez, the 41-year-old said, "It's great, as it is being in the world of Ducati. These are riders with different needs and experiences, bit I like it. Focusing on Pecco, I'd say that he's very demanding and sometimes very critical of himself. Far too much in my opinion. The way I see it, it's good that he's focused, but he should be more aware of the qualities he has and of his speed, which is what brings results."



Translated by Leila Myftija

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