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MotoGP, Aleix Espargarò's major announcement expected today in Barcelona

UPDATE - The Aprilia rider will clarify his future during his home race. A special press conference is scheduled for 3:15 p.m.

MotoGP: Aleix Espargarò's major announcement expected today in Barcelona

Today's Barcelona GP could be Aleix Espargaro's last home GP. In fact, the Aprilia rider hasn't yet revealed his decision regarding his future, but he might do so today. There are rumors at Radio Paddock about he's going to participate in a special press conference this afternoon, during which he'll express his choice.

Aleix, who'll be turning 36 at the end of July, is a MotoGP veteran. He had already stated at the beginning of the season that he was thinking about whether or not 2024 would be his last year as a rider. After 20 years in the MotoGP, Espargarò is at a crossroads. On the one hand, he's still competitive and could easily continue racing in the premier class. On the other, he wants to devote more time to his family and his passions.

Aleix would have had more time to decide in a year's time, but the market is now becoming ever more hectic and, at Noale, they need to know what his decision will be, in order to make the best arrangements. Even if he retires, Aprilia will definitely remember the rider who brought the team to success in the MotoGP and might end up offering him a role as a tester and brand ambassador.

We'll probably have all the answers before nightfall.

UPDATE - We'll have them at 3:15 p.m during Aleix Espargarò's official press conference.


Translated by Leila Myftija

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