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MotoGP, Michelin final Tech Notes for this season, from today at Valencia

In the end it was found that the Hard front is the best option for tomorrow’s race because the stability and consistency are very good. The Soft and Medium options were good for the cooler morning sessions or for time attack  

MotoGP:  Michelin final Tech Notes for this season, from today at Valencia

Better conditions at Valencia today because there was no wind. Track temperatures were 23°C in the morning, and 32° C in the afternoon sessions.
A lot of laps were done on scrubbed-in tyres to assess the performance over the race distance (27 laps). In the end it was found that the Hard front is the best option for today’s race because the stability and consistency are very good. The Soft and Medium options were good for the cooler morning sessions or for time attack.

As far as the rear options are concerned, the Medium is very popular because the warm-up time is fairly quick, the grip is good and the consistency is very acceptable for the riders. The Soft may also be an option for the race, but the difference in performance is not huge compared to the Medium and the drop-off is more pronounced. However, on the positive side the behaviour of the latter was appreciated by some riders who felt that the motorcycle handled in a more fluid/linear way with this tyre.
Based on the rider feedback and the conditions so far this weekend, it appears that the vast majority will opt for the Hard front/Medium rear combination.

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