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MotoGP, Bastianini: "The stewards situation is serious. Riders deserve to be heard."

"I think something has to be done, because only the regulations matter now. A long lap for the episode with Alex Marquez? I didn't respect it out of protest. They should've given me back my position. The rest of the race? Lots of grip problems on the rear. It's good that we're getting right back on the track at Mugello."

MotoGP: Bastianini:

He started 11th and could've had a significantly better race if the Montmelo stewards hadn't given him a Long Lap Penalty for cutting Turn 2. Already rear-ended for this punishment, he later suffered another, for not properly executing the first. Moral of the story: Enea Bastianini ended the Spanish GP in a mediocre 18th place, certainly below all expectations if you then consider that Bagnaia's official Ducati won.

"The penalty? I was forced to cut the corner. It would've been impossible to do, as well as dangerous, because I would've had to jump the curb at two. I also followed the entire trajectory afterwards, trying to buy some time and avoid the penalty, but I only added insult to injury. And to think that I expected the stewards to ask Alex Marquez to give me back my position because, even if there was no contact, he did a hard entry. Instead, they wanted to punish me, so I voluntarily chose not to take the long trajectory. I got another long lap later, because of a chicane cut while I was trying to overtake Di Giannantonio. From that moment on, I rode a bit dirty, and then I got a ride-through, and I didn't care . What did they tell me in race direction at the end of the race? In the meantime, I suggested that the stewards watch the videos again. They watched them in front of me, and didn't dispute anything. Tardozzi also sent an email asking them to at least restore my position, but they replied that nothing can be done after the fact. The thing that puzzled me the most was that the stewards thought I had gained time, which means they weren't paying attention."

The stewards situation seems to have become a real problem, with many riders unhappy with the way decisions are made. "Personally, I'm angry, but I can't do anything about it. I'll just have to vent in the next GP. Still, it would be nice if we could do something and make the voice of us riders more important, instead of just thinking about the regulations. Perceptions and feelings are no longer valued now. Only what's written counts, and that's unacceptable for me, since situations exist where a little humanity is needed."

Besides the vicissitudes, the rider from Romagna didn't have a flawless race. "I struggled with the grip on the rear, unlike the other days when it was the front that worried me. Then, when I saw that the tire was starting to work, I did well. But I wouldn't have caught up with the ones up front even with a boost. I believe that I could've taken home a third or fourth position. This morning, in better conditions, I was fast. Now we'll have to figure out why, when the grip drops, the performance also drops. Did I prepare anything special for Mugello? Not for now. Maybe I'll make a helmet with "long lap" written on it," he said jokingly. "It's still nice to be able to get back on the track right away. It gives me confidence and motivation. I'd like to get a good result," he concluded.


Translated by Leila Myftija

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