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SBK, VIDEO - Bautista's revelation: Bagnaia's future teammate is ...

Before you start calling us names ... We're just kidding. We asked Alvaro to play a game with us. Someone might have to pay for dinner.

SBK: VIDEO - Bautista's revelation: Bagnaia's future teammate is  ...

Who's going to be Pecco Bagnaia's future teammate on the 2025 Ducati Factory team? A question you've probably read one too many times already, and to which we might soon have an answer. In the meantime, we decided to touch on this topic in the company of Alvaro Bautista who chose a name from a list of three candidates. If the name ends up being the right one, good Carletto Pernat will be forced to pay for dinner. Enjoy the video and, remember: every so often, you need a good laugh!

Translated by Leila Myftija

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