Honda has finished its two days of testing in Buriram, a circuit chosen not by chance because it is in Thailand, on March 2, that the MotoGP will begin this year.
Honda in this beginning of 2025 retains all the facilities that MotoGP had granted them only a year ago. This is unprecedented in their history but will remain in effect until mid-season. Thereafter the concessions will be reviewed during the summer break.
This means that HRC will be able to continue unlimited testing, despite the fact that the number of tires available is, both with its test team and with its official riders and on any circuit on the calendar.
On this occasion for the first time, they met again in a different box Romano Albesiano, HRC's new technical director, and its former rider Aleix Espargarò, in the new role of lead test rider.
Recall that Honda can also count on Nakagami and Bradl.
Aleix, in facing this second chapter of his life appeared motivated and in good spirits, so much so that he posted a message on Instagram that let out his happiness in doing a job he loves: riding a MotoGP.
Probably more difficult, however, will be the trajectories that Albesiano (pictured here intent on listening to his rider), an engineer of great experience and expertise, moreover with a degree in aerodynamics, will have to choose, called to confront a reality different from that of Aprilia: the giant Honda, certainly not known for its responsiveness.
This is the first time HRC has relied on a non-Japanese engineer, that is, not from its own backyard.
Automatic Translation by DeepL