The happy event of the birth of his second daughter, Gabriella, on January 4th has given the Doctor's life another turn. Valentino Rossi confided to Radio Deejay about how the arrival of his daughters has changed his daily routine.
"The baby's arrival has totally changed the game," Vale said, laughing. "Now we wake up earlier, I have to take Giulietta to school, then I'm the one who prepares the milk in the morning. I have to wake up the latest at 7:45 am."
The contrast with the years when Valentino dominated the circuits between parties and pranks is obvious. Like the story that, in the 1990s, before the 500, he won after partying until four in the morning. "These stories, over time, become almost mythological," he said, jokingly. "I can't say that it didn't happen, that I had drinks the night before a race. I might have been a little late, but definitely not that late. At most, one o'clock."
Valentino then commented on the 100Km of Champions, in its 10th year.
"By now, it's become an annual race at the ranch, where we invite champions from different categories. It's an endurance, it's our race of the year, where pairs of riders take turns in the pits every five laps, passing the transponder, like in the 24-hour Le Mans. There are 450 motocross bikes, but everyone has their own bike. So, while I'm on the Yamaha, my brother Luca Marini is on a Honda. It's the only official race I do on a bike during the year, so it's very important. I ride a lot at the ranch, with friends and the Academy guys, I try not to get off the bike!"