It was last May when, in a joint press release, Dorna, FIM and IRTA announced the cancellation of the Indian GP due to climatic reasons, with a promise to repropose it as early as the season that followed. But, instead - at least according to rumors released by Autosport - there will be no race at the Buddh circuit next year.
Making its MotoGP debut in 2023, the Asian test may, therefore, have already reached its end, despite the fact that, during the summer, a three-year contract was renewed with Invest UP, an investment agency of the Uttar Pradesh government: the economic zone of influence on which Buddh depends. The contract left Fiarstreet out, the previous promoter and the real culprit behind the fact that the race was not held in 2024, since it didn't fulfill its financial commitments to the holder of the rights to the championship. This time, the impediment won't be the weather so much as the unwillingness of local authorities to invest money on the world championship event.
From what is known so far, the next championship will start in Thailand on the first weekend of March, then go to Argentina two weeks later, followed by Texas on the 30th. From April to September, it will exclusively take place in Europe, before the eastern interlude, which should include two double transfers and the grand finale, with Portimão preceding Valencia.