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MotoGP, Austrian Grand Prix: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Bagnaia was walking on air, and Vietti saw the light. Darkness fell upon Aprilia and Mir lost his way. The RNF team was rather colorful, but they were mismatched.

MotoGP: Austrian Grand Prix: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The only one to have reached 7th Heaven at the Austrian GP was Bagnaia. At those heights, you know, nothing can touch you. Accidents or market problems are nonsense to be commented on with due (and earned) detachment. Like his gap in the rankings.

If you’re then able to celebrate with Bezzecchi and Vietti, and with Valentino Rossi as the master of ceremonies, the weekend becomes perfect.

The GOODPecco Bagnaia didn’t want to be compared to Max Verstappen, but this didn’t prevent him from making the other riders look like any ordinary Perez. The Ducati is going strong and, with him on it, it flies. What’s interesting is how fast it goes. In the homeland of the Frankfurter, he celebrated his victory with the beloved hot dog. If he continues like this, he’ll have to start watching his weight.

The UGLYThe tire pressure rule is like those particles that physics hypothesizes are there but that no one has ever seen. The data remains secret in the rooms of the Race Direction, and no one even knows who the riders that are watched during each race are. Mysteries are usually fascinating. These are only unnerving. Starting with the riders.

The BAD – It’s not a matter of winning, losing, or participating: the important thing is finishing, as the Italian singer Mina once sang. Joan Mir would like that very much, by either ending his relationship with Honda or even just finishing a race. You decide.

The DISAPPOINTMENTUnder a gray sky at Silverstone, the Aprilia shone. Under the blue one at the Red Bull Ring, it faded. They could have saved Vinales’ qualifications, if they didn’t make us remember what could've been and was not. A confirmation was needed. It was worse than expected.

The CONFIRMATIONKTM renewed their contract with Binder for two more years, but they should've done so for life. Brad always smiles, never breaks down, and loves to rip the throttle. If the orange bike is the Championship’s second force, the merit is all his. (Look at the standings of Sunday’s race if you have any doubts.)

The ERRORBelieving that Pol Espargarò’s career was over after that terrible accident. After taking so many (real) beatings, the Spanish rider wants to, in turn, give some (metaphorical) ones of his own. He kept out of trouble in the Sprint Race and collected the first points of the year. But he then received a penalty in the race that ruined his placement. Either way, he was there and fought. But he also gave KTM executives a big headache in figuring out who they should leave at home between him and Fernandez.

The SURPRISELike a princess kissed by a prince, Vietti woke up from the torpor he seemed to be trapped in. Acosta was ready to celebrate for the sponsor, but he had to recycle it for a 2nd place. It was all Celestino’s fault.

The OVERTAKENot even one, in two races. 42 laps if you prefer. He didn’t overtake and he wasn’t overtaken, because he was always up ahead. Pecco Bagnaia not only won, he was also able to enjoy the view of the Austrian mountains without inconveniences.

The ANECDOTESome say the RNF team’s special livery was inspired by Barbie. Others claim it was melted ice cream. Both Oliveira and Fernandez retired, malicious tongue wagers may affirm out of shame.


The I TOLD YOU SOA defiant Maverick Vinales on Friday: “I’ve got everything I need to win.” Now all he has to do is explain why he can’t.

Translated by Leila Myftija

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