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MotoGP, Alex Rins: Confirmed left wrist fracture, will miss tests

No surgery needed, but Alex's wrist will be immobilized and treated with electromagnetic therapy. His condition will be re-assessed for the Sachsenring GP.

MotoGP: Alex Rins: Confirmed left wrist fracture, will miss tests

A season to forget for Suzuki. Following a check up at the medical clinic, Suzuki officially announced that Rins has a broken left wrist and will miss tomorrow's tests at the Catalunya circuit while, for the Sachsenring race, further assessments will be needed.

The official press release:

Following the serious accident at Turn 1 of the Catalan Grand Prix, Alex Rins underwent tests at the Hospital Universitari Dexeus in Barcelona. An initial check-up revealed a non-displaced fracture of the pyramidal, or triquetral bone, of his left wrist. An MRI confirmed that there was no damage to the ligaments.


His left ankle was also examined after Rins stated he felt pain that turned out to be inflammation.

Rins will begin a recovery program that includes wrist immobilization, ice packs, electromagnetic therapy,  anti-inflammatory meds, and rest. He’ll obviously skip the tests, which will take place tomorrow, Monday June 6th at Montmelò. He’ll undergo further exams before the next Grand Prix in Germany in two weeks.

Xavier Mir, Head of the Elbow, Hand, and Microsurgery Unit (Icatma) at the Dexeus University Hospital, explained "Alex Rins suffered a trauma to his left wrist. We performed clinical, radiological, CT, and MRI exams, which confirm a fracture of the pyramidal bone of the left carpus, with significant peripheral bone edema. We believe he should be immobilized and should undergo electromagnetic therapy for ten days, to be followed up with an addition check-up after this period of time."

Translated by Leila Myftija

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