Good news for Arón Canet and the FlexBox HP 40. After the injury suffered in the last Grand Prix, Arón Canet underwent surgery yesterday for the intra-articular fracture of the distal epiphysis of the left radius, undergoing percutaneous reduction and internal fixation with compression screws.
The intervention was a success and today the pilot has already received the medical discharge and will begin with the recovery physiotherapy work.
"I want to thank Dr. Xavier Mir and his team for the operation they have performed on the radius fracture -Aron Canet said - Everything has gone well and now I will start with the recovery work. I am still in a lot of pain and I know that we will not reach 100 % to Jerez and that it will be a weekend that will have to suffer, but we will give our best as always. I also want to take the opportunity to say that I am quite upset and angry with the second race that was run on Sunday. I think it should not have been disputed a 7-lap race with 15 riders missing, more so when the riders were not to blame for the accident, since we were not faster than in other laps nor was it a crash caused by our mistake. I am sorry because I think Race Direction should have stopped the race earlier and not doing so that was the mistake, but we already have our minds set on recovery and trying to get to Jerez."