'Two is better than one' was a famous TV advertising slogan from a few years back and the Noale technicians must have been inspired by this if one looks carefully at the RS-GP used in the wet by Aleix Espargarò. In fact, not one but two spoons have appeared in the lower part of the swingarm, the spoiler first introduced by Ducati a few years ago and which was at the centre of much controversy.
Now it has become a component that all manufacturers use, but two together had never been seen before. The front one is the 'classic' spoon, that is, the one that in theory should help to ensure better cooling of the rear tire but which actually generates downforce. The second (whose paternity belongs to Yamaha) is instead a kind of ‘nail’ that is used in the wet with the function of protecting the rear tire from the water raised by the front one.
Aprilia has combined the two elements, who knows if it will catch on...