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MotoGP, Aprilia in the hunt for the last Km refines the aerodynamics of the RS-GP

Ormai la ricerca aerodinamica  delle Case si concentra sui dettagli. Come questo parafango-copertura della forcella che ha il chiaro intento di pulire i flussi d'aria in una zona molto turbata della moto

MotoGP: Aprilia in the hunt for the last Km refines the aerodynamics of the RS-GP

By now, aerodynamic research by manufacturers focuses on details. Like this fender-fork cover that has the clear intent of cleaning the airflow in a very turbulent area of the bike.

In order to avoid vortices that slow down the advance with their turbulence, tapered covers are studied that have the task of closing the flows in the cleanest way possible.

In addition to improving the Cx, this type of cover, already used at Mugello, also performs the task of directing as much air as possible to the radiator with the advantage of improving the cooling that with the specific powers of known 1000 cc now close to 300 hp is very important.

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