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Best wishes to Gigi Soldano, stainless Dakarian and king of MotoGP photographers

The king of world championship photographers is now 72 years old and still capable of these jumps! He started taking pictures with daguerreotypes and now he uses the digital Nikon: miracle! indeed, MILAGRO

MotoGP: Best wishes to Gigi Soldano, stainless Dakarian and king of MotoGP photographers

The king of world championship photographers is now 72 years old and still capable of these jumps! He started taking pictures with daguerreotypes and now he uses the digital Nikon: miracle! indeed, MILAGRO.

Almost all the shots belong to his agency, which also includes three other cornerstones of the world championship: Tino Martino, Alex Farinelli and Fermino Fraternali.

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