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MotoGP, Rossi risks being charged for the scooter indicent in the paddock

The fan, Ana Cabanillas: "I would have accepted his apology if he'd done it accidentally"

Rossi risks being charged for the scooter indicent in the paddock

The ride-by, with kick, made by Valentino Rossi in the Valencia paddock now risks becoming a legal matter.
The fan who was hit, Ana Cabanillas, was tracked down and interviewed by Radio Cope and she said:  "Estábamos con unos amigos y me dieron una patada y vi que era Rossi. Pensé que había sido por un despiste, pero he visto el vídeo y he visto que ha sido patada y codazo. Me ha pasado igual que a Márquez. Pienso denunciar porque se ve que es una patada. Hubiera aceptado las disculpas si hubiera sido sin querer".

I was with friends and felt a kick and saw that it was Rossi. I thought it was an accident but then I saw the video and realised that he kicked be and elbowed me. He passed me as he did Marquez. I think I'll report it. I would have accepted his apology if he'd done it accidentally.

The interviewer also asked the woman how she feels. She replied: good...(a pause) a bit better...

Aside from the gesture itself, open to censure, when one exaggerates, one really exaggerates. Though a certain degree of exploitation was to be expected.

The video, which immediately went viral, is heading for 20 million views.


Translated by Heather Watson

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